PornHub Premium takes the biggest and best porn tube on earth and makes it even more horny and sexy if that is possible. Pornhub has been around since 2007 and very quickly became a giant in porn. Many in the porn industry hate the site and others like it such as XHamster or RedTube because they offered free porn when everyone was trying to sell it and killed a lot of businesses in the process.
I was one of the porn dudes that hated pornhub but I grew to accept the changing landscape and started to see things from the visitors point of view. Pornhub premium takes the successful look, feel and easy usability of the free porn hub and make the best porn tube even better!
I know just what you dudes are thinking. “Why would I pay when standard porn hub is free!” Believe me when I say the extremely reasonable price is more than worth paying for! Ever heard someone say the best just got better. That really does apply here when talking about the amazing pornhub premium!
Throughout this pornhub premium review you will find out just why I’m so high on this site and how it turned me from an enemy of pornhub into a major fan, I still feel weird saying that!
Ads are annoying as shit aren’t they especially on porn tubes. You get them on the side of the page slowing shit down, you’re made to watch a 5 second ad before your video starts and some fucking sites have the audacity to have pop-under’s and popups. Such a pisstake isn’t it. Since pornhub premium is paid for it takes the need away for ads so there’s nothing to interrupt your wanking time.
This site is as clean as a freshly bathed asshole and that is why pornhub premium is one of my favourite sites on the whole of my porn list. I hate ads so the absence of them alone is worth the membership price especially if you take your masturbation seriously!
The price of pornhub premium really makes it stand out from the crowd. For $9.99 a month you get an incredible treasure trove of porn of the likes no other website on earth can offer. You can make a one off payment of $95.88 for a year membership which works out at $7.99 a month so if you have that money burning a hole in your pocket then save a couple of dollars a month and go for. It makes more sense doesn’t it dudes!
That is the price in dollars but the numbers are basically the same in pounds and to be fair it doesn’t matter where you are in the world the price is great all over the globe.
I guess you wondering what you get for a membership fee and why is it worth paying! Keep reading and you will find out!
If you love high definition premium content from sites like Brazzers, Mofos and dozens of other top quality porn sites then pornhub premium is the place to be to fulfil your horny and naughtiest desires. The standard site offers clips but here you get the full scenes from the giants of todays porn.
No more wanking your cock to 1.30 minute clips for you sir. Now you can layback and blast cum all over yourself watching scenes up to 30 minutes or longer, featuring the biggest and dirtiest porn star whores that are fucking in front of the camera today. No more watching clips 10-20 years old because you can have the freshest hardcore hd porn videos that are available today. It doesn’t get any better than that gentlemen.
OMG dudes you get 1080p videos, how fucking cool is that shit! Haha I’m kidding, well you do get 1080p hd videos of course but how does 4k sound to you guys? Yes 4k porn videos and there’s 1000’s of them for you to enjoy. If you have a 4k TV then pornhub premium is taking your fapping into the future fuck rogers.
See every cock thrust go deep into a pussy or ass as clear as real life. See the glimmer of wetness, drips of pussy juice and creaminess of cum blasted all over you favourite porn stars face as she scoops it off with her finger and eats it off. 4k sex videos take things to a whole new dimension and once you witness the uhd porn quality you will never want to go back!
Speaking of taking your porn into a new dimension I must add the incredible collection of VR porn videos that are available on pornhub premium. No crappy poor quality vr porn videos here my friend, only the freshest and newest that is out right now, don’t get me wrong there’s some classic vr porn vids but it’s all about the baddest porn girls out today doing the most on camera for your pleasure, and her own…but mostly for you!
Virtual reality porn has become a very big thing lately and it’s only going to get bigger and better. Pornhub premium is always adding to its library of VR porn and has 1000’s of videos on offer! You’ll also love the 2160p hd quality videos that are crisp, clear and makes you feel like you are really in the action! All the vr sex videos are compatible with google cardboard, PlayStation VR, oculus, vive and Samsung gear vr.
I’m glad you asked this because there is something else worth mentioning about pornhub premium and its the fact it’s almost like a porn Netflix in the way you can stream fucking 1000’s of full length porn dvd’s on demand and in glorious hd! Honestly it’s crazy how much you get for a small membership fee! Some of the sex videos are absolute classics from some of the greatest porn studios the industry has ever seen and then there’s you have much more modern porn dvds with ladies getting fucked that are in the business now. It’s a very nice feature!
I love a bargain as much as the next dude and I can’t fault pornhub premium for the service they are providing! The price of $9.95 a month is amazing when you factor in all you’re getting and that get’s even better when you pay annually.
The premium content from todays major porn providers would this a great deal alone but to get full length vr porn, porn dvd streaming in hd, 4k porn videos and no ads! I’m in love and think pornhub has hit the ball out of the park with this service. Any respectable wanker needs to look into pornhub premium in my opinion.
There’s some amazing sites on my porn list with some great scores and this porn tube with a difference is up there with the very best. I give porn hub premium an outstanding 9.5 out of 10. You guys need to check it out!!!