Reality Kings is one of the best and well known paid porn sites on planet earth. Featuring some of the hottest sluts and biggest cocks you know the shit they produce is always going to be fire!
Based in Miami Beach, Florida since it’s inception in 2000, Reality kings provides some of the hottest hardcore porn videos. Many full length and the more recent pornos coming in glorious HD. The site has grown into a huge network of porn sites that offer literally 1000’s of hours of the dirtiest porn you can find online!
I hate to keep showing you lot sites that you have to pay for, believe me. I love free porn as much as the next dude but sometimes to get the best you have top pay for it! Free porn tube sites and the like are all well and good but membership sites like reality kings blows these tube sites out of the water, that’s unless the site is PornHub Premium but that’s another matter!
Paying for porn feels like such a 1999 thing to do nowadays but when the volume of content is this high and the quality this outstanding then you dudes need to stop being leeches of porn and give back to an industry that has helped you cum for so long. If we stop paying for the best hardcore sex videos then companies will stop making them. We’ll all be screwed then and left watching the same fuck videos from now until we die!
My friend there’s what I like to call a shitload of pussy on reality kings. The last time I saw this many sluts was when I was held up in traffic because of a feminist protest, admittedly reality kings has a lot less pubic hair then that bunch of loons! But there’s is a massive collection of the finest women, some big pornstars and some less known but sexy as fuck ladies.
One thing you will notice is the gorgeous collection of exotic looking sluts. There’s so many Latinas bouncing their fat asses on BWC’s and BBC’s. These young Cubans and Porto Ricans really know how to take a fat dick I can tell you! You might wonder how I know these girls come from them countries? I don’t their probably American porn babes but since reality kings is based in Miami I’m running with that.
If you enjoy a young tight black pussy getting fucked by a big white cock or getting splashed with bbc baby batter then the the ebony porn queens on here will make you horny as a motherfucker. The black girls are so hot and really get into the fucking especially the interracial sex with the white guys. It’s almost like they have just discovered that white chocolate and can’t get enough of the sweet taste!
Let not forget about the stunningly beautiful white porn whores that reality kings has to show you in crisp and glorious hd fuck videos. Watch a hot little horny blonde get impaled on long, fat bbc and enjoy ever drop of he’s spunk or see filthy brunettes fucking guys like the worlds going to end in an hour!
There’s just so many types of women of all different races and fucking all kinds of different guys in the horniest scenarios!
With a lot of these premium porn sites you find the longer you are willing to sign up for the better it works out monthly. What I mean by that is if you sign up for reality kings for a month you pay the outrageous price of $29.99.
If you pay for a year in a lump sum you are charged $119.99 which works out $9.99 a month when you break it down. I personally would sign up for the 2 day membership at $1 a day (make sure you cancel before the time is up) to see if you like the site and it’s network sites. If you do enjoy the vast premium content and can afford it I would pay for a the 12 month membership, it’s by far the most cost effective but lets go through the prices below.
Fuck me there’s a lot I like and a lot to like about reality kings. I like the $1 a day trial you can get a taste of how great the site really is and just how much amazing full length porno videos they have. The more recent videos are in HD and if I’m being honest that always makes my cock hard! I also like the price of the 12 month membership, It’s nice to make so much savings and be able to forget about having to pay for reality kings for a year, $119.99 is a great price for this much sex and this many sites!
Speaking of the network sites I like that you get GFRevenge, Mike’s Apartment, BadTowTruck, 8thStreetLatinas, BigNaturals bouncing and many more sites bundled in. It makes reality kings even more value for money.
That sites are updated very regularly so it’s nice to always have fresh and sexy content. Some sites out there hardly ever give you anything new and might even recycle their content but you won’t find any of that here!
If you’re a fan of a particular pornstar the odds are you will find her right here. The amount of women this site has is fucking remarkable and I should give a shoutout to the porn guys reality kings hire because they all seems to fuck the women perfectly and show themselves to be brilliant performers.
And lastly the vast amount of videos and pictures that this site has is something to marvel at. They have over 20 years of content and all of it is available you you and your hard cock. I’m pretty sure most of you won’t stop wanking for a week if you signup here.
To be fair the only thing I don’t like about reality kings is the fact it isn’t free. I really can’t fault the site really. I guess if I really had to pull a complaint out of my ass I would say the download limit of 50 fuck videos a day is a bit mean but I’m sure most of you won’t come close to that so it doesn’t matter too much!
This is a real easy one to sum up. If you love watching some of the most beautiful women being fucked silly by some of the biggest and best cocks in the porn industry then this site is the way to go. The network sites you get on top of reality kings are outstanding and I could argue that many of them are worthy of charging for membership separately.
Talking about the membership I’m a huge fan as said previously of the one year membership. for the price, savings and all the shit load of filthy content, I bloody love it!
I think if you are looking to join up to a premium porn site reality kings really should be a contender. Read though my review and sum up if you think the site is for you, maybe take the 2 day trial to help you decide. I’m sure you dudes will love the site too!