Xhamster is a one of the greatest free porn tube sites on the internet a site I once visited the site at least 10 times a day as a tool to fulfil my wanking hobby and the place hasn’t changed, it’s still amazing with millions of videos and photos. x Hamster is visited by millions of pussy starved guys everyday from all over the world, Many type ” xhampster” into google to find the place and you would be forgiven for thinking these dudes are dumb but it’s hard to type when one hand is on you cock already!
This free porn heaven is the 3 most popular of its kind after PornHub and Xvideos but in my opinion it should be 1st since it’s 100% better then pornhub since they removed a lot of videos recently and is much easier to use and navigate then xvideos. Founded by Alex Hawkins in 2007 it soon become clear this porn tube was going to be a little different to a lot out there.
With members that were actually aloud to have a profile, message each other and upload their own content the site looked to bridge the gap between porn tubes and social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. Their attempt worked and they is why the porn list dude is reviewing the site all these years later with many of us horny fuckers having grown up with the sight. It might not spoke about in mainstream culture like pornhub does but believe me this is a much better website!
Over the years xhamster has truly become a place for porn lovers and horny people to make online friends and sometimes form sexual relationships in real life. Lets take a looks at this horny heaven further!
I love talking to other porn lovers on xhamster and often network and engage in conversation with other members but my favourite thing to do on xhamster is to chat up the women I fancy and fuck the shit out of them. The women on there get dozens of messages on there eachday but believe me, add a photos of yourself and some classy nudes and you’ve already got one foot in the door with these horny sluts. Talk to them nicely and talk more then just sex and you’ll get some sooner or later!
Women don’t give a shit most of the time if you’ve got a huge cock like mine, they want more so think outside of the box and you will score on xhamster. I’ve lot count of the amount of women I’ve banged from there! The point is xhamster is full of horny people and it makes the site a great one to meet and find sexy friends that have interests as you.
With millions of porn videos on offer and even more photos and gifs to masturbate to, you won’t find it difficult to find the porn media to your taste. Finding the smut is easy as fuck with a very detailed navigation system that lends itself to the ease of use for the average wanker on there. There’ literally 100’s of categories for you to choose from and it would shock me if you couldn’t find something that makes your cock rock solid within seconds of visiting the site.
Amongst some of the best for me personally is the 4k videos as well as HD porn filth you would expect from a porn site of this calibre. There a good collection of free vr porn but don’t expect the same quality you would get from premium VR porn sites but for something that’s free you can’t really complain, well you can but you would be a cunt if you did.
It really doesn’t matter what device you use to wank off because xhamster is compatible with mobile phones, tables and desktop pc’s and the user experience if amazing on all 3. Once you find a video that floats your boat all you have to do is press play and away you go. If I need to go into anymore details in how to press play I seriously think you chouldn’t be on the internet or alive for that matter because you must be braindead.
If your aim to only to knock one out quickly now and then, then no you can enjoy all the millions of hd porn videos for free but as with most sites the best user experience comes with signing up for free and getting involved. You have to be a member to have your own profile, upload content and most importantly talk to sluts that love to show off their sexual prowess. So my advice is to do whatever the fuck works best for you at the end of the day.
I fucking hate with a passion that xhamster has a layout where they blend in some premium videos that can only be watched if you are a paid member and they do this with the live cams too. There blended into the free sex videos you can actually watch but even when you realise what they have done you still get caught out from time to time. It’s like an ad but less obvious and it’s annoying as fucking fuck! Who wants to waste time clicking on things they don’t want! If I wanted to be a member of their premium service or signup to their cams I would seek them both the fuck out. Just be aware of that when you go on there and don’t waste your time clicking on things that aren’t free.
Taking away what I don’t like about xhamster I think it’s safe to say this is an incredible porn site and like I said at the beginning of this review it really is my favourite porn tube or at least up there with xvideos. I love the 4k porn videos, porn gifs that people have made and looking at real amateurs that do it for the love and not for money is amazing. You have so many people on there that the place is alive 24hrs a day and there’s always a new slut out there to chat up and flirt with. The site is easy on the eye with its white background and finding what makes you horny is a fucking breeze.
All in all I highly recommend checking out xhamster if you haven’t before and if you haven’t I have to ask what planet you are from and where have you been because this website is massive!